Friday, 4 September 2015

Six months down the line

It has been six months since I've had the halo brace unscrewed from my noggin. Nine months since I broke my back in three places. A year since Greg and I said, "We're out of here, Old Life, we're going to go be jobless and live out of our car!!!"

Such good follow through.

The halo is a distant memory now, and I only really get reminded of it when people I haven't seen for a while ask, "How is your neck?". It's fine. It's not sore. It has a lot of mobility now, but I think most of that was recovered in the first three months. I've almost entirely stopped turning with my torso. I have picked up the habit of rubbing the scar on my forehead when I'm thinking, the one which has the tissue fused with the bone and gives me a dimple when I frown. But the scars ain't no thang. The fringe covers them, and even when it doesn't, they aren't very noticeable.

That said, I was on the bus the other day to go to work, and saw a gentleman standing up who had the EXACT SAME SCARS!! Only older looking. I wanted to say something to him, but wasn't sure how to open. "Hey, remember those three months where you couldn't bathe? Sure glad that's over!"

Here's my current range of motion:

That head tile could actually use some work. I was thinking of taking up yoga.

The last thing I was waiting on was this six month mark to start doing some weight-training again. The doctor recommended not doing any exercises involving my back for this period of time be extra certain it was as healed as it ever was going to be. Now that it is, I can start doing push-ups again!

And waterslides!!!

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