Friday, 6 February 2015

Halo Clinic - Week Nine

Week nine, and we are limping towards the finish line!

This is the face I will make to whoever takes it off.

The posterior pins remain crusty with some "over-granulation". I googled that and saw the gross images so you don't have to. Normal granulation is when the wound heals properly and lovely pink tissue with new connective tissue and tiny capillaries grows over the wound. Overgrannulation is when the wound heals beyond the surface of the skin, which prevents capillaries from moving across the surface of the wound, delaying healing.

To fix it, they kill off some of the proud flesh using silver nitrate. Stings like a mofo, but only for a little while. Then it just continues to sting a moderate amount, all day long.

If the pins continue to cause trouble they ~might~ consider taking it off as of next week (10 weeks!) but I'm not going to hang my hat on it, when I can hang several hats off all these handy bars instead.

It has been quite a lovely week, with seeing a lot of friends, and I'm looking forward to a Hen's High Tea for the weekend. I feel better about attending Neil and Sarah's wedding in the halo, since I've learned the other young fellow in my halo clinic is also attending a wedding. But whereas my only responsibilities are draining the open bar dry ("Alcohol is the only thing that helps with the pain!" gets you served very quickly) and dancing the robot, he gets to fly to Tasmania and be the MC. Game, set, checkmate to Roshy.

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